The latest version of the WOM Marketing Communication Bibliography Project (WOMBP) is now uploaded. You can access it at my download page.
Here's the background of the project and details of the contributors.
Below are new entries in this version (these aren't necessarily new studies, they just weren't included in the last update):
Barber, B. M., C. Heath, et al. (2003). "Good Reasons Sell: Reason-Based Choice Among Group and Individual Investors in the Stock Market." Management Science 49(12): 1636-1652.
Heath, C. and D. Heath (2006). "The curse of knowledge." Harvard Business Review 84(12): 20-23.
Heath, C. and D. Heath (2007). "Finding just enough of that sticky stuff (Book Excerpt)." Brandweek 48(1): 21-25.
Weiner, M. and D. Bartholomew (2006). "Dispelling the Myth of PR Multipliers and Other Inflationary Audience Measures." Institute for Public Relations.
Tags: WOM word of mouth Word-of-Mouth Marketing buzz marketing viral marketing marketing communication