Wednesday, January 03, 2007

WOMBP: January 2007 Update

Happy new year!

The latest version of the WOM Marketing Communication Bibliography Project (WOMBP) is now uploaded. You can access it at my download page.

Here's the background of the project and details of the contributors.

Below are new entries in this version (these aren't necessarily new studies, they just weren't included in the last update):

Bowman, D. and D. Narayandas (2001). "Managing Customer-Initiated Contacts with Manufacturers: The Impact on Share of Category Requirements and Word-of-Mouth Behaviour." Journal of Marketing Research 43: 281-297.

Danaher, P. J., I. W. Wilson, et al. (2003). "A Comparison of Online and Offline Consumer Brand Loyalty." Marketing Science 22(4): 461-476.

Dellarocas, C., N. F. Awad, et al. "Exploring the Value of Online Product Ratings in Revenue Forecasting: The Case of Motion Pictures." Working Paper.

Dellarocas, C. and R. Narayan (2006). "A Statistical Measure of a Population's Propensity to Engage in Post-Purchase Online Word-of-Mouth." Statistical Science 21(2): 277-285.

East, R., K. Hammond, et al. (2005). "What is the Effect of a Recommendation." The Marketing Review 5: 145-157.

Granovetter, M. (1973). "The Strength of Weak Ties." American Journal of Sociology 78: 1360-1380.

Jin, Y., P. Bloch, et al. "A Comparative Study: Does the Word-of-mouth Communications and Opinion Leadership Model Fit Epinions on the Internet." 1-31.

Noyes, J. (2006). "BzzAgent tries to keep 'agents' part of 'hive'." The Boston Herald.

Nyilasy, G. (2006). "Word of mouth: what we really know - and what we don't." Connected Marketing: 161-184.

Samson, A. (2006). "Understanding the buzz that matters: negative vs positive word of mouth." Internation Journal of Market Research 48(6): 647-657.

Shin, A. (2006). "FTC Moves to Unmast Word-of-Mouth Marketing." Washington Post Online.

Wirtz, J. and P. Chew (2002). "The effects of incentives, deal proneness, satisfaction and tie strength on word-of-mouth behaviour." International Journal of Service Industry Management 13(2): 141-162.
