Monday, February 16, 2009

The Anatomy of Buzz Revisited

If you haven't heard yet be sure to check out Emanuel Rosen's newly revised book The Anatomy of Buzz Revisited. I have long advocated the original version of the book and have used it in teaching my classes on word of mouth and social media. I would tell people that if they could only read one book on WOM marketing to read this one. But after talking with Emanuel about his plans to rewrite the original and being interviewed for it I am now recommending that people read the new version. Here's the marketing blurb I wrote for it:

"I'm sorry to say I can't recommend The Anatomy of Buzz as my top pick anymore. There's something better out there and it's called The Anatomy of Buzz Revisited. Like its predecessor, it's accessible, compelling, and is based on solid principles of how word of mouth works, but this book has been completely revamped to include fresh material, new topics, and the latest research."
You might also be interested in Guy Kawasaki's interview of Emanuel Rosen. Be sure to check out question 13 in this interview: "How can a company effectively measure the buzz it's generating?"

The book is officially available February 24th.
